Services in the Mohawk Valley


Services in the mohawk valley.

Firm owner Stephanie Adams, Esq., is a member of the Oneida County Bar Association, and offers services to creative professionals and cultural organizations in that area.

"I was born and raised in the Mohawk Valley.  My family in Utica, the Coles, date back to the early 1800's; my great-great-great Grandfather, Abraham Cole, is buried in Forest Hill Cemetery.  While eventually I followed the canal (okay, I took the thruway) West to settle in Buffalo, I still have strong ties in the peerlessly beautiful Mohawk Valley.

I frequently visit the area, so can offer in-person services for most areas of my practice.  The Mohawk Valley is an inspiring place filled with creators, innovators, and educators.  If you need services in my areas of experience, we can work both virtually, and in person, to protect your work, craft your venture, and face your challenges. 

This photo is by my high school friend, Mike Amico, who often distracted me during class with his cool artwork, but whose dedication to craft obviously paid off. "  --Stephanie Adams